September 3

Mary, A Model Of Zeal

Preparation. - The Church permits certain Institutes to honor Mary this day under the beautiful title of “ Mother of the divine Shepherd.” Wherefore we shall meditate, first, on the Blessed Virgin’s great ardor in seeking the stray sheep, and secondly, how we may help her in this charitable office. We shall then resolve often to invoke with her the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially in favor of dying sinners about to appear before God. “Heart of Jesus, once in agony, pity the dying.”

I. Mary Seeks The Stray Sheep

“I am the good Shepherd,” said Jesus to His disciples; “the good Shepherd giveth His life for His sheep” (John 10. 11). The Queen of mercy, the Mother of the Shepherd of our souls, is animated with the same sentiments as her Son. From the Incarnation of the Word she began to fulfill her office of saving men, by accepting the divine maternity, a necessary condition of our Redemption. Through her and with her Jesus sanctified John Baptist and offered Himself for us as a victim in the temple of Jerusalem. During His ministry throughout Judea in search of the lost sheep, His holy Mother accompanied Him by her prayers, thereby preparing the hearts of men to receive profitably the Gospel. And who will tell what she did and suffered for our souls during the Redeemer’s Passion? There were on Calvary two altars, writes St. Alphonsus; the one in the Heart of Jesus, and the other in the soul of Mary. The Son and the Mother immolated themselves for the ransom of us all. Thenceforth the zeal of the Virgin of sorrows was more than ever identifies with that of the Man-God.

Moreover, if we examine the history of the Church, we shall see that all the good wrought for souls, is done through Mary’s intervention. How many criminals have been converted, stray souls brought back and tepid hearts placed again on the right road, through her powerful intercession! The whole earth proclaims it: every thing comes to s through the charity of that faithful Virgin, our hope next to Jesus.

Let us beware of attributing to our merits the innumerable benefits received through her mediation. “Methinks,” says St. Leonard of Port Maurice, “that I am like one of those churches where some miraculous Madonna is venerated, and whose walls are covered with ex-votos with this inscription: ‘For a favor received through Mary.’ So also there is nothing in me on which I could not write: ‘Favor received through Mary.’”

Should not this touching language of a saint be ours also? What good have we received, which was not given us through Mary’s intercession? Has the deep abyss of our miseries ever exhausted the ocean of her mercies? Has this compassionate Virgin ever refuses to succor us in trials and combats, and particularly after our faults? Her conduct towards us in the past is a pledge of her protection in the future. Wherefore let us place our trust in her, however great our defects, our passions and our relapses.

O Mother of the sweetest of shepherds, my soul is like a stray sheep amid the briars of passion and the thorns of sin. Deign to seek me and to withdraw me from earthly attachments, and bring me back to the fold of Jesus. I am resolved often to invoke thee, especially in sufferings and temptations. Save also those unfortunate sinners in the greatest danger of being eternally lost, especially those now in their agony, about to appear before the tribunal of God.

II. How We May Help Mary To Save Sinners

How great is the compassion of Mary when she thinks on poor sinners! She beholds these unfortunate deprived of sanctifying grace, enslaved by the devil, without right to the heritage of the saints and unable to gain merit in order to obtain it. They are the deplorable victims of sin, enchained by their evil habits, and under the yoke of the most cruel of tyrants, whilst awaiting the torments of the reprobate. O most lamentable of states, which should deeply touch our hearts!

The Mother of mercy is never weary recommending these unfortunates to God. Could not we help her in this charitable office? What! souls created in the image of God and redeemed with the blood of a God, are becoming the prey of demons; Jesus and Mary, the angels and saints deplore their fatal lot, and we would remain insensible thereto! When St. Catherine the Admirable heard of the death of some obstinate sinner, she would utter heart-rending cries, roll herself in the dust and tear out her hair, so intense was her grief at the thought of an immortal soul lost for eternity! And can we remain indifferent to the painful sight of so many Christians going astray? How can we, so greatly abounding in spiritual goods and means of salvation, forget so many sinners almost destitute of them?

Let us at least offer to the Lord, through Mary’s intervention, a prayer, a sigh, some privation, some sacrifice to snatch so many souls from the tyranny of their passions and endless punishment. In union with the Mother of the divine Shepherd, let us often recall to God the prodigies of the love of Jesus for the stray sheep, and how He sought them through hill and dale, and how joyfully and lovingly He celebrated their return! These souvenirs will more the Heart of God and fill us with compassion for sinners.

O Mother of mercy, I offer thee the most precious blood of Jesus as an expiation of my own sins and for the conversion of so many ungrateful and guilty hearts. Impart to me some of the tender compassion which induces thee to recommend to God so many unfortunate souls separated from Him. Obtain for me the grace to realize the greatness of the misfortune of falling into mortal sin, and the happiness of living in God’s friendship till the last breath.

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